International Conference “Trends in Packaging Industry” Program THURSDAY, 14. 5. 2015 08:30 - 09:30 REGISTRATION 09:30 Welcome Address Drena Milijević, managing director of Institute of Packaging and Graphic Arts Tectus - IatT, Croatia 09:40 - 13:30 PACKAGING - FOOD SAFETY – SUSTAINABILITY Perspectives of Croatian packaging industry, Enis Kancelir, Affiliation of Packaging Industries, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatia WPO Food Safety Working Group: On the way to Save Food, Johannes Bergmair, Austrian Research Institute (OFI), Austria, president of the WPO Food Safety Working Group and WPO executive board member BRC Global Standards in packaging and packaging materials, Joanna Griffiths, BRC Global Standards, United Kingdom Application of nanotechnology in food packaging and food safety, Ivana Vinković Vrček “Dr. Andrija Štampar” Institute for Public Health, Croatia NIAS (non-intentionally added substances) in packaging and food safety, Nino Dimitrov, Department for objects and material in direct contact with food, Croatian Institute for Public Health, Croatia COFFEE BREAK Shelf Life of Packaging Materials - how to test it, Johannes Bergmair, Austrian Research Institute (OFI), Austria, president of the WPO Food Safety Working Group and WPO executive board member Packaging that comes in direct contact with food – news in legislation, statement of conformity, analytical health compliance reports and supporting documentation, Petra Cigić, Department for General Use Items and Noise Protection, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, Croatia Bring your packaging designs to life! Chris Stowe, ESKO, Belgium Packaging industry and professional terminology – what is what, Tomislava Bošnjak Botica, Institute of Croatian language and linguistics, Croatia 13:30 LUNCH AND END OF PART ONE CROPAK and REGPAK 2015 Award Ceremony 17:00 - 17:50 Registration 18:00 Gala CROPAK and REGPAK 2015 award ceremony and Ambalaža/REGprint trade journal 20th anniversary celebration 20:00 Gala dinner FRIDAY, 15. 5. 2015 8:00 - 09:00 REGISTRATION 09:00 - 10:40 TRENDS IN MODERN AND SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING PRODUCTION MIS (Management Information System) for sustainability increase, Branko Mihorko, Sistrade Software Consulting SA, Portugal Technological breakthrough in cardboard packaging production with the emphasis on health aspect, Miloš Nikolić, Istragrafika d.d., Croatia Metal packaging – trends and sustainability, Nenad Đurđević, Ball Packaging Europe Belgrade Ltd, Serbia Glass packaging – trends and sustainability, Robert Zdolc, Vetropack Straža tvornica stakla d.d., Croatia Polymer packaging – trends and sustainability, Maja Rujnić-Sokele, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia 10:40 - 11:10 COFFEE BREAK 11:10 - 12:10 PACKAGING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Packaging waste testing methods in accordance with Croatian legislation, Mirela Jukić; Antonija Galić, “Dr. Andrija Štampar” Institute for Public Health, Croatia Legislation in packaging and packaging waste management, Sanja Radović Josić, Ministry of environment and nature protection of the Republic of Croatia, Croatia Q&A 12:10 - 13:40 PACKAGING – DESIGN – CONSUMER - SUSTAINABILITY How EU consumers perceive packaging, Nikola Drašković, Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia, Croatia Packaging design as an answer to current market needs and requirements, Miho Karolyi, Kaligraf d.o.o., Croatia Packaging redesign risks and how to decrease them: consumer’s perspective – research results, Marijana Plovanić, Hendal d.o.o., Croatia 3D visualization in packaging re/design application – prerequisites and benifits, Miho Karolyi, Kaligraf d.o.o., Croatia 14:00 END OF CONFERENCE Tweet