Dani ambalaže

Institut za ambalažu i tiskarstvo


Hotel Le Méridien Lav, Split,
Croatia - June, 3-8 2012

World Packaging Congress "Packaging and Sustainability"
(June 6th, 2012)


The World Packaging Congress "Packaging and Sustainability", held on June 6th, offered a variety of interesting and up to date topics on trends in all segments of the packaging industry. The presenters and speakers were presidents of institutes, organisations and governing bodies from many world countries, as well as representatives of regional and global packaging companies, liders in the field of sustainable business practices related to packaging. More than 140 congress participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest achievements and trends in the packaging industry, as well as predictions for the future development.

On a global level, the packaging industry has a significant role in the segments of food safety (and therefore fighting world hunger ), environmental protection, sustainabilty and economic development in many industrial sectors. The introduction, implementation and constant development of new packaging design and procudtion, as well as following trends in new technology, materials and innovation developments, is a global level assignment.
During the congress, Mr. Thomas Schneider, President of the World Packaging Organisation presented the CROPAK and REGPAK awards for the best packaging on the Croatian and regional market for the year 2012.


Program and Presentations

7:30 - 8:50  REGISTRATION
9:00 - 10:35 Session 1
10:35 - 11: 00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00 - 13:00 Session 2
13:00 - 14:30 LUNCH
14:30 - 16:10 Session 3
16:10 - 16:40 COFFEE BREAK
16:40 - 18:00 Session 4