Dani ambalaže

Institut za ambalažu i tiskarstvo



12 June 2018
Hotel Sheraton Zagreb

Student Creative Workshop CROPAK

The first Student Creative Workshop CROPAK was organized in 2009 by Institute of Packaging and Graphic Arts Tectus - IatT, Tectus d.o.o. and Ambalaža (Packaging) trade journal from Zagreb. 

The main goal of the Workshop is achieving synergy between designer professionals, institutions of higher education and business sector by stimulating the creativity of students and their early introduction to the processes of packaging design of a real product / series from the graphic design aspect, under professional leadership and by a clearly defined assignment from a brand owner..

Participants in the Workshops are students from three Croatian universities, Rijeka, Split and Zagreb, that are also patrons of the project. During the Workshop students, under the mentorship of their mentors, university professors, and under the watchful eye of the authors of a creative assignment Mr Dean Vranić from Imago reklamna agencija d.o.o. and Izvorka Jurić, are working on concepts and graphic design and/or redesign of a sponsor's trade mark packaging..

All activities related to the Workshop, from the First Meeting where the Creative Assignment is defined and presented to participants to the final selection and the award ceremony, attract media attention and are well covered due to organized press conferences and press releases sent by the Organizer and Sponsor of Student creative Workshop CROPAK.

Based on our experiences we guarantee the following benefits to the sponsors of Student creative Workshop CROPAK:

  • strengthening of the public awareness about the company's corporate social responsibility by supporting and awarding the activities of young educated people from Croatia
  • expanding the base of their potential future employees
  • getting a high-quality packaging deseign/redesign solution made in line with the good business practice and under the supervision of university professors and professional designers
  • designs will be characterised by freshness, creativity and thinking outside the box
  • total cost of the whole design/redesign process will be lower than costs paid to a marketing or a design agency, or by employing their own resources
  • supporting the development of packaging industry and motivating young experts about considering career opportunities in this sector
  • multiple appearance of their brand in the media in a positive context.

The quality of designs produced by the Student Creative Workshop has been confirmed by the WPO (World Packaging Organization) since the winner of Student Creative Workshop CROPAK 2009, Marino Krstačić Furić, was ranked 26th in their WorldStar Student competition and awarded a Certificate of Recognition.

We would like to invite all companies that are planning to modernise and refresh their packaging design or are planning to present a completely new product to the market and are interested in participating in this project to contact the Institute of Packaging and Graphic Arts in order to get a detailed presentation of the projects.

Press clipping - Student Creative Workshop 2009
Press clipping - Student Creative Workshop 2010
Press clipping - Student Creative Workshop 2011
Press clipping - Student Creative Workshop 2012