Dani ambalaže

Institut za ambalažu i tiskarstvo



29 - 31 May 2014 Plitvice Lakes
National Park, Croatia

Eco forum
"Plastic bags: Pro&Contra"

Saturday May 31, 2014.
Hotel Jezero, Plitvice lakes National Park, Croatia



The European Parliament has called for a ban on the most dangerous types of plastics and thin plastic bags by 2020, as part of the European strategy for reducing plastic waste in the environment. Parliament also pushed for the introduction of binding targets for plastic waste recycling. The European Commission in November last year proposed a gradual introduction of the ban on use of plastic bags thinner than 50 microns...
The aim of the Eco forum is to present the Eco official position of the Republic of Croatia on this issue, the attitude of businessmen and working groups involved in the proposed amendments to the Directive on plastic bags 94/627EZ, to present the benefits of alternative solutions, and develop a constructive discussion.


 Saturday May 31, 2014

Eco forum
"Plastic bags: Pro&Contra"

9:00 - 11:00
11:30 -  16:00 EXCURSION AND LUNCH
17:00    End of conference