Judging panel
Judging panel members are selected from the following institutions:
- Croatian Academy of engineering (HATZ), Zagreb
- Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Zagreb
- The State Inspectorate, Zagreb
- Faculty of Architecture, School of Design, University of Zagreb
- Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
- Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb
- Croatian Designers Society (HDD), Zagreb
- Croatian Chamber of Economy – Affiliation of Packaging Industries and The Centre for Design, Zagreb
- Croatian organizations for consumer protection
- Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection
- Environmental protection and energy efficiency Fund
- Environmental protection associations
- Freelance experts in certain relevant fields
Note: Products nominated within the category IV (Design) will be judged by a judging panel consisting of three judges who are members of Croatian Designers Society